Tasks of the Operations, Observation and Warning division


1) The connection between all the devices holders and coordination of the communications and administration of the operations.

2) Recording of the daily activates and kept it in organized form.

3) Reception of all conversations in the wireless sets and organization by the importance.

4) Reception of all announcements received and fix the date and related time of the announcement and registration of all statements, and undertaking of the necessary procedures.

5) The checkup and the comment on all devices holders and specification of their sites.

6) The checkup and observation of the sites which covered by cameras observed television.

7) The checkup and observation of the warning devices of  connecter to the operations rooms.

8) Study and development and update of the observation system in the buildings and the establishments and accompaniment the modern technology.

9)  Preparation of the periodic and urgent reports about the traffic accident cases in the university.

10) The preparation and the participation in cases of the emergency which God forbid and the coordination with the administrations in the different  sections.

11) The participation in the organization of the occasions in the university by collaboration with all administrations in relation.

12) Forbid any person in entering to the operation room except the authorized persons.


Last Update
1/2/2010 7:32:41 PM