Tasks of the Investigation and Securing Division

Tasks of the Investigation, Securing and Supporting Services division:


1) The regime and the advancement in level of the discipline kept inside the university.

2) Direct intervention of the investigation in all formative and the incidents inside the university whether referred to it from the heads in university or discovered by the security and safety administration. In  coordination with the specialized inside the university and the security sides in relation outside the university.

3) Intervention of the investigation and the securing inside the university followed according to the regime in the similar security sides.

4) Observation of employees, laborers of the companies, working organizations and the visitors in borders of specialties of the division.

5)  Preparation of the periodic and urgent reports about the traffic accident cases in the university.

6) The preparation and the participation in cases of the emergency which God forbid and the coordination with the administrations in the different  sections.

7) The participation in the organization of the occasions in the university by collaboration with all administrations in relation.


Last Update
12/31/2009 1:59:17 AM